The Seychelles Business Financial Authority (SBFA) has acted
as a money channeling agency since its creation though it was created to
encourage the growth of small enterprises. It was meant to provide
concessionary loans to small businesses registered with SENPA. It did not do
only that.
What it did was to grant loans to many people who never
needed the loans in the first place. One very senior member of the National
Assembly with big business did in fact benefit from a loan from the authority
in 2013 and had not bothered to pay until the urgent question to be asked in
reference to SBFA came to his attention. He paid up immediately.
There are also several suspicious accounts that have been written
off which points directly to relatives of members of staff as well as persons
closely related to the ruling party but worse of all is the CEO’S attitude
towards staff. Not only did she position cameras in several offices to keep staff
under constant surveillance, it is alleged she also incorporated listening
devices to listen in to staff conversations. The proposed investigations into
the affairs of SBFA should ensure that better control mechanisms are
implemented in the future.
Seychelles Citizen Watch