Wednesday, February 26, 2020


United Seychelles and Johan Loze(Known locally as Kakayonyont) attempt to blame Hon. Ahmed Afif for their failings which have resulted in sanctions by France and the EU. In the Assembly on the 26th of February Loze knowing he has immunity attempted a personal attack of fake news and lies. The lies are as follows:

1.      In an amendment to the IBC Act in Nov 2018, that section 390 was deleted by Hon Afif and LDS. Section 390 deals with filing of information and was NOT deleted as can be seen in the final amendment act that was assented by Danny Faure.

2.      That the clause that was amended in Proceed of Crimes Act (POCA) on frozen funds was motivated by vested interests of Hon. Afif.

This intentional misinformation is totally false; outright lies! As can be seen section 390 of the IBC act still remains today as it was not amended. As for the POCA claim, the Minister of Finance at that time confirmed that they released all the funds because there were no charges against any of the fund holders, some of which had been frozen for over 8 years.

Loze has been challenged before and now, that if he still believes this to be true to bring a motion in the Assembly to raise these issues. Alternatively, he can take what he thinks are facts to the Police or the Anti-Corruption Commission. So far Loze has failed to do either.

Loze, the desperate man, and his desperate party have nothing to go on and are just inventing lies.

Monday, February 24, 2020


If there is one area in which the current government has failed miserably, it is in the campaign launched more than a decade ago to eliminate the use of pit latrines nationwide.

Before we were ushered into the new millennium, government had vowed to rid the country of pit latrines and subsequently funds were allotted in the national budget on a yearly basis for the same. A yearly average of SR 500 000 was earmarked annually for the project and an army of the ruling party’s activists under the guise of District Administration staff trotted uphill to identify and eliminate the latrines as part of the district projects.

Apart from the obvious discomfort of odour, pit latrines have the potential of leaching into underground water and threatening human health through contamination.

Only last year in Cabo Verde, the recently retired Minister for Health, Mr Jean Paul Adam, while addressing the African Health Forum, gave credit to the government of which he was part. He lauded Danny Faure’s government for its sustained investment in the elimination of pit latrines in attaining sustainable health security for the country. He was certainly aware of his government’s failure in that respect.

Sadly, pit latrines still form part of our landscape and unless government is truly committed to alleviate poverty, pit latrines will be there to stay. In a country where district projects are subjected to political interference, massive failures are bound to be the order of the day.

Source: Seychelles Weekly

Monday, February 17, 2020


Danny Faure stated in a speech immediately after his inauguration in October 2016 that his presidency will be a start of a new chapter for Seychelles. However, evidence since shows that it was not a new chapter but just a continuation of a chapter that began on the 5th of June 1977. In his Presidential oath he solemnly swore to uphold the Constitution and the laws of Seychelles.

At one of last weeks hearings at the Truth, Reconciliation and National Unity Commission (TRNUC), it was revealed by Hon. Larue that approximately 4 years ago Mr Brian Victor and his lawyer requested a meeting with Danny Faure. In the meeting Mr Victor informed the sitting President of the incident in 1983 where Sonny Elizabeth and Michel Hoffman were murdered by soldiers from Seychelles People's Defence Force (SPDF). The soldiers had also attempted to kill Mr Victor but miraculously he survived to be one of the most important eyewitnesses in Seychelles history. An affidavit was presented to the sitting President.

Brian Victor and Hon Larue in 2016
It was expected that as one of the accused was still an army Captain in the SPDF that the President would take immediate action and open an inquiry as expected by a Commander in chief when a soldier is accused of murder. The sitting President failed to take a decision and no action was forthcoming. At the time former president Albert Rene was still alive and instead of putting his citizens and Seychelles first, did Danny Faure decide to protect his hero? Danny Faure talks about correcting the “errors” of the past but when this opportunity presented itself, the sitting President failed to deliver.

Source: Seychelles Weekly


Exposing the land grab reveals that certain documents are being kept out of the public records.


Honorable Flory Larue was requested by the Truth, Reconciliation and National Unity Commission (TRNUC) to appear before them on the 6th of February 2020 to give evidence on the abuse of state land by those in power who gained financially. In an extensive presentation Hon. Larue provided facts and documents exposing the abuse.

Many examples were cited including that of former President Albert Rene. It was revealed that Rene had as far back as 1971 secretly acquired 2 parcels at Sans Souci in the national park from the Colony of Seychelles when acting as chair of Lands Committee for SCR 9385. In 1991 Rene increased his land grab by selling himself 3 parcels of Government land (B542, B765 and B767) at Barbaron which totaled 33,764 square meters for the sum of SR65,000. This was later amalgamated to be part of B1854. More abuse was shown with Rene leasing over 80,000 square meters through a company called Capricorn Estate which was owned by Katiti properties, a company Rene had 99% shares. Evidence that former Land Minister Dolor Ernesta had 52 parcels registered in his name were also provided.

A shocking revelation came after Hon. Larue provided evidence of the abuse of state land by the political party United Seychelles and their more than 40 parcels of land grab. United Seychelles was formerly Parti Lepep and before that SPPF and SPUP. It was revealed that parcel B2565 did not belong to the political party anymore but was owned by former president James Michel.

Parcel B2565, which is 12,218 square meters in size, is a parcel which was amalgamated from parcels B499, B500 and B502; by the then President of SPPF. No date was recorded on the document. The huge parcel which has 5 constructions with a swimming pool was thought to belong to the Anse Polite branch of SPPF.

Evidence shows that whilst investigating parcel B2565 on the 13th of July 2016 as part of an overall United Seychelles land grab investigation, the certified copy that land registrar provided indicated that this plot belonged to SPPF.  Even on the 10th of September 2019 Minister Pamela Charlette confirmed to the National Assembly that B2565 still belonged to SPPF now United Seychelles. This was in response to a private notice question by the Leader of the opposition to list all current land that United Seychelles are still the owners.

Hon. Larue provided a document that she recently received to TRNUC that now reveals that on the 1st of August 2012, B2565 was actually transferred to James Michel for the sum of SCR 2Million. This document is not on the file of B2565 at land registrar that is available to the public. This raises many questions. Is there fraud at the Land registrar? Are laws of the Land Registration act being broken as registrar maybe intentionally concealing and misleading the public by giving false and incorrect information as was the case on the 13th of July 2016 which certified that B2565 belonged to SPPF? There are many rumours and even hints from the staff at land registrar that there is a secret safe that conceals certain sensitive documents that would embarrass certain individuals. If this is correct, are they concealing documents like the B2565 document from even the Minister herself?

Published by Seychelles Weekly

Sunday, February 9, 2020


MNA Simon Gill is accused of trying to intimidate a government insitution, the Industrial Estates Authority, and force his way onto a plot of state land even without the approval of the Authority.
Mr. Gill is said to have been furious after the Authority refused to give him the plot at Perseverance for his business. Answering his request, the agency told him that the plot had already been allocated to another entrepreneur with due process and that that he would have to submit a tender application like everyone else to be considered for another plot.

Dissatisfied with this decision of the IEA Board, Mr. Gill said he would move his equipment and containers onto the site anyway and that he would inform the Vice-President of what he claims to be a malicious, political, vindictive and disrespectful action.

Mr. Gill had been offered the plot in 2016 but had failed to pay the premium and had informed the agency in 3 years to express any interest in the plot. The decision of the Board reveals that as far as they are concerned, his claim to the plot had lapsed and was not relevant.

Source: Seychelles Weekly


Sarah Rene sells off Emerald Holdings

The widow of former President Albert René has sold off her share in Emerald Holdings, a company with major property assets on land leased from the state.

Emerald Holdings Ltd is a private company that as of 2013 was 67% owned by Sarah Rene and 33% owned by Kim Sun Kan, locally know as Sunny Kan. Gregoire Payet was previously a shareholder but his involvement with the company was removed due to internal disagreements.

Emerald Holdings got public attention in 2018 when Hon. Flory Larue tabled a motion in the National Assembly asking the Government to take back all undeveloped land Sarah Rene and her companies had leased or bought from the Government and to investigate why she  and her companies received so many parcels of land from the Government. President Danny failed to take this up, and did nothing to correct the the exploitation  of state assets by individuals close to the ruling party .

Emerald Holdings owns 9 parcels of prime land leased or bought from the Government of Seychelles. They also owned at least 2 other parcels through a subsidiary company called Onearn Company limited which includes parcel H6012 at Vacoa village that was also purchased from the Government in the year 2000 at a price of SCR250,000.

Onearn Company is wholly owned by Emerald Holdings. Sarah Rene had famously stated on national television that parcels she owns directly or indirectly through companies are very very small and almost insignificant (pti pti bout later). The 11 parcels total 29,893 square meters a massive land grab and abuse of state property. 

In 2017, the lease of 3 of the parcels was transferred from Emerald Holdings to Laxmi Trading, represented by Keshra Vishram Bhudia, for a reputed cool sum of SCR 11 million. The 3 parcels that are located at the Providence Industrial estate are V6795, V8948 and V6811. According to documents at the Land Registry Emerald Holdings also leases V8072 and V8073 which to this day are still undeveloped. The lease was signed in 2002, reportedly for a tourism project.

Four parcels also at the Providence Industrial estate where Airtel and apartment blocks are located were leased to Emerald Holdings in 2014. The 4 parcels are V18385, V18386, V18387 and V18388 and total 7576 square meters. The monthly lease for all 4 parcels is just over SCR25,000 per month. Although the buildings were constructed long before 2014 it is a mystery how the construction received planning approval.

 On the 24th of May 2019, Onearn Company which is owned by Emerald Holdings transfers the 2 parcels at Vacoa village directly to Sarah Rene for the sum of SCR 8 million. On the same day, a resolution passed by the board of Directors of Emerald Holdings resolved that Sarah Rene transfer all her 67% in Emerald holdings together with all the rights attached to them to Kim Sun Kan and Jeannina Baptists Orr. 66 shares would be transferred to Kim Sun Kan and 1 share to Jeannina Baptists Orr.

In a document titled Instrument of Share Transfer also dated 24th of May 2019, details that for the transfer of the 67% of her Emerald Holdings shares, Sarah Rene has been paid the astronomical sum of SCR 72,360,000! The Land Registrar’s office refused to give a copy of this document, however the document was seen and details from the document noted by two journalists from this newspaper. With the confirmation from the Truth, Reconciliation and National Unity Commission (TRNUC) that assets from estates of perpetrators can be used for reparations to victims, it is apparent that Sarah Rene is cashing out her ill-gotten gains as the net closes.

Source: Seychelles Weekly by A.Pierre

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Danny Faure Is The Past

The Present Too. But the Future, No Way!

For his campaign launch, Danny Faure has made the audacious claim that He is the Future. Honestly! The next slogan can only be Faure Forever.

Faure is the past. He cannot divorce his political career from the legacy of Albert René and the one-party state.

From his early days, Danny was a loyal henchman, serving the regime with enthusiasm. He is part and parcel of what has gone wrong in Seychelles, the oppression, victimisation, malice, and corruption. When people lost their jobs or were prevented from doing a business, Faure did not risk his position to object. When people disappeared, he did not ask why.

Faure has occupied many positions of importance, in his political party and in Government. He has been chairman of state owned enterprises, minister and Vice-President. He was around when state-owned properties were stolen for the benefit of individuals or for the political party. In his campaign launch, Danny made accusation that an opposition challenge to his bid would be a desire for revenge. This is only his way of telling the Seychellois people

The not too enthusiastic old guard 
He is also the present.

Faure’s accession to the post of President was a result of a political system fashioned for one-party to hold on to power. This is what he did. After the resignation of his predecessor James Michel, Danny was handed power on a platter. This arrangement has been denounced as undemocratic. While agreeing to scrap it, he refused to step down.

 For the past three years Danny Faure has led an indecisive government which has gone back and forth over policies. Recent examples are the disruption in the Fisheries agreement with the EU and the turnaround on the R100 charge for express delivery packages.

On the key issue of fighting corruption, Faure has not once used the power of the executive but has left it to the LDS majority in the National Assembly to do what it could.

Meanwhile, Faure is trying to claim a record of achievement that he does not deserve. The economic development that we see today is only a result of the political freedom and respect for individual rights which has come as a result of the work of the opposition.

He is not the Future

Faure cannot be the future because he is too much a part of the past which has caused our nation much harm. As for the present, he is using it only to perpetuate his power.

In arguing that the country needs him, Faure could only raise again the spectre of fear. In accusing his challengers of being out for revenge, he is only trying to scare people away from looking too closely at the past and his own role in it.

The country needs a clean break from the past, and a new vision to take us into the future.
It is telling that his audience was left unmoved by his claim, with doubt written all over the faces of those looking on.

 Source:Seychelles Weekly


Ill-gotten gains is defined as money that was obtained in an unfair or dishonest way. In a recent sitting of the Truth, Reconciliation and National Unity Commission (TRNUC) on the 14th of January 2020 former Barclays Bank manager, Pat Barallon, argued that any compensation should not be paid by the present generation of Seychellois tax payers but should come from the perpetrators estate. He further stated that if the commission employed forensic accountants enough funds could be retrieved to pay the victims from these certain hidden investments. In many countries including our neighbor, Mauritius, a section called possession of unexplained wealth is part of their anti- corruption legislation.  In Seychelles, this part is yet to make it into the anti-corruption act. The Mauritian legislation describes part of unexplained wealth as a person who “owns, or is in control of, property to an extent which is disproportionate to his emoluments or other income”

Sarah Zarqani Rene started a secret affair in 1982 with Albert Rene and at the time was working in the department of Curriculum development. From 1990 when she fell pregnant for Albert Rene to this day, Sarah Zarqani Rene has not been employed. The two lived in sin until Albert Rene divorced his first wife in 1993. After getting pregnant Sarah Zarqani Rene went to live abroad in Malaysia and then Fiji until the divorce. Shortly after the divorce, she returned to Seychelles and married Albert Rene on La Digue in the same year. Kevin Shillington references this in the biography of Albert Rene.

Algagresu Pty Ltd was registered in Australia in 2001 whilst Albert Rene was still President and for obvious reasons his name could not appear on the company documents. The name of his wife would be the front for amassing overseas wealth. The assets held and businesses conducted included a business known as Emerald Lodge in Mareeba on a property, which was purchased in 2001. This property was sold under the name of Algagresu Properties Pty Ltd in February 2018 for $2 million. As of April 2018, the two shareholders of Algagresu Pty Ltd are Sarah Zarqani and Kim Sun Kan when these reports were obtained.

Emerald Farm Mareeba Pty Ltd previously known as Emerald Mangoes Mareeba Pty Ltd was registered in 2003 and the shareholder of the company was Algagresu Pty Ltd. It originally comprised of a mango plantation but later on turned to farming bananas; specifically “Lady Finger Bananas”.

Another company called Emerald Springs Mareeba Pty Ltd was created in 2003. The business operated on the same property in Mareeba and had a spring on it, which enabled the company to bottle the water. The owner of the business was also Algagresu Pty Ltd.

With almost the same name, another company was created the year after Albert Rene had retired as President named Algagresu Properties Pty Ltd. This company was tasked with conducting businesses of land subdivision and develpment of properties. As of 2018 the shareholders of this company are former Seychelles Ambassador to Australia Gaetan Barallon, Sun Kim Kan and Sarah Zarqani Rene.

It is not clear how funds for a person to obtain these properties and businesses came from that has had no employment since 1990. What is clear is that Mrs Rene loves the word Emerald. In Seychelles Mrs Rene and her three children own directly or indirectly through companies, many properties that was obtained from state land. Emerald Villa on La Digue, Emerald Holdings and Capricorn Estate are some of the names of companies that the public are familiar with.

Mr Barallon also alleged that $1 million per month was being channeled through some of these company accounts and claimed that if the TRNUC would request tax returns for these companies from Australian authorities’ evidence would be forthcoming. Whilst Albert Rene was busy violating the rights of Seychellois citizens, Mrs Rene was busy amassing a fortune. The public are now waiting to see whether TRNUC will seek the expertise of at least a forensic accountant.

Source: Seychelles Weekly