Friday, December 4, 2015


The president of the Republic has always reiterated that corruption is a perception though proofs of constant corrupt practices are hurled into the public domain every day. Let us review one more case involving Minister Joel Morgan.

On the 8th of August 2006 when Joel Morgan was Minister for land, an elaborate scam was concocted to attempt to mask this corruption. A company was created called Skyline Investments (Proprietary) Ltd with his wife as a 50 % shareholder; the other shareholder has since vanished to Africa in hiding. Two plots on Marie-Jeanne estate (PR 3256 and PR 3257), Praslin, was allocated as part of the scam. The annual rent payable is 1 Seychelles rupee for both plots on a 99 year lease; a clear case of daylight robbery of the people of Seychelles. The premium that was paid on the lease is a matter of national embarrassment.

Here is the proof Mr Le President. The people of Seychelles will judge you by your actions. Either you have lost control of your government or you are part of the corruption by pretending it does not exist! You have failed to investigate this incident when it was brought to your attention. You too, Mr President, is corrupt because of that. You must resign.

By A.Pierre