Closure of public toilets in Victoria causes anger whilst
the buck is being passed; taxi drivers and tourists are getting impatient.
Last week complains from taxi drivers, tourists and members of the public about the
shutting down of the public toilets at the taxi terminal in Victoria ignited. The
public toilets were a donation from the Regatta Seychelles Round Table in 1983
and for many years these amenities served their purpose well. But about five
months ago they were shut down. Davidson Madeleine, the taxi association
chairman, confirmed that three months ago he evoked the issue during a meeting
with Vice President (VP) Danny Faure and his secretary Jeanne Simeon.
The VP apparently
promised to help but nothing has been done so far. But upon arriving at the
taxi terminal last week, taxi drivers were very frustrated and demanded that
government, through the mayor’s office, give them access to public toilets. Mr.
Madeleine also added that in early November he met with the Minister of Home
Affairs and Transport, Joel Morgan, and discussed about the issue.
He stated that the government has failed to give the taxi
drivers and other people a toilet in Victoria and yet they are decorating the
town with lights.
Several taxi drivers called from security cameras to be
installed in the vicinity. “Our government has failed to take action. They want
visitors but cannot provide simple toilets in town. I don’t know who is
responsible and why they have shut down these facilities. If there is a
problem, why don’t they provide us with mobile toilets” mentioned Mr.
Madeleine. “Tourists are complaining and asking for toilets”, another taxi
driver complained.
The secretary of the Principal Secretary of the ministry of
Land Use and Housing (MLUH), Yves Choppy, explained that there is a board
comprising representatives from the public health sector, environment, the Seychelles
Land Transport Agency (SLTA), and more. He added that it was difficult to
identify who is in charge of such facilities in Victoria. But the executive
director of the office of the mayor of Victoria, Lydia Charlie, confirmed in
the absence of Jacqueline Moustache-Belle that all public toilets are the
property of MLUH.